Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Its never an easy task. But keep at it!

Lately, its all been coming together. Just everything either takes time (by that I mean a few months) or there are so many issuses to acheive the task that its not even worth the effort any more. I'm trying very hard to relax. I think I've forgotten how to do that. Its not like I have much time to anyway. Even now I cant finish this post. Haha...midway writing and I've got to go. Sad thing is I'm not going for myself. I'm at the mercy of others, always helping to the point of exhaustion. I like helping, but when is it too much? It wouldnt be so bad if something worked out for once. Anyway, Off to take my sister to the place to get her new, beat up car..again.....(was closed yesturday and this place sucks..its in the middle of Birmingham, about 30 mins away, in the deepest ghetto)